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Albion Venture Capital Trust PLC:

0370 873 5849

Albion Development VCT PLC:

0370 873 5849

Albion Enterprise VCT PLC:

0370 873 5849

Albion Technology & General VCT PLC:

0370 873 5849

Kings Arms Yard VCT PLC:

0370 873 5849

Crown Place VCT PLC:

0370 873 5849

(Calls are charged at no more than your current providers national call rate and calls may be recorded. Lines are open Monday - Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm)

FAQs & General Information

Independent Financial Advisor queries to:

Venture Capital Trusts are investment companies listed on the London Stock Exchange and are particularly attractive to tax paying individual investors who invest in new VCT shares and hold them for at least five years. Furthermore, VCTs allow investors to invest in a portfolio of unquoted companies, as well as AIM quoted companies, while benefiting from the liquidity provided by the listing of the VCT’s shares. The VCTs managed by Albion have a policy of buying back their own shares in the market, subject to certain criteria and the LSE’s regulations, to ensure liquidity.

Following the Finance Act 2007, the following tax benefits are available to UK residents aged 18 or over investing after 6 April 2007:

(i) Tax-paying investors receive an income tax rebate at 30% on the amount invested, thus reducing the effective net cost of the investment to 70 pence for each £1 invested, provided the shares are held for at least five years and the investor has paid the tax;

(ii) Dividends paid by a venture capital trust are free of income tax;

(iii) There is no tax on capital gains made upon disposal of shares in a VCT; and

(iv) Capital gains made by the venture capital trust on its underlying investments are free of corporation tax and, unlike an ordinary investment trust, these gains may be distributed by way of dividends to investors.

Income tax relief for investors is limited to subscriptions of up to £200,000 per person per tax year. For more information contact your financial adviser.

Learn more about the benefits of VCT investing on the HMRC website

Share buy-back policy

Venture Capital Trusts are investment companies listed on the London Stock Exchange and are particularly attractive to tax paying individual investors who invest in new VCT shares and hold them for at least five years. Furthermore, VCTs allow investors to invest in a portfolio of unquoted companies, as well as AIM quoted companies, while benefiting from the liquidity provided by the listing of the VCT’s shares. The VCTs managed by Albion have a policy of buying back their own shares in the market, subject to certain criteria and the LSE’s regulations, to ensure liquidity.

Following the Finance Act 2007, the following tax benefits are available to UK residents aged 18 or over investing after 6 April 2007:

(i) Tax-paying investors receive an income tax rebate at 30% on the amount invested, thus reducing the effective net cost of the investment to 70 pence for each £1 invested, provided the shares are held for at least five years and the investor has paid the tax;

(ii) Dividends paid by a venture capital trust are free of income tax;

(iii) There is no tax on capital gains made upon disposal of shares in a VCT; and

(iv) Capital gains made by the venture capital trust on its underlying investments are free of corporation tax and, unlike an ordinary investment trust, these gains may be distributed by way of dividends to investors.

Income tax relief for investors is limited to subscriptions of up to £200,000 per person per tax year. For more information contact your financial adviser.

Learn more about the benefits of VCT investing on the HMRC website


Venture Capital Trusts are investment companies listed on the London Stock Exchange and are particularly attractive to tax paying individual investors who invest in new VCT shares and hold them for at least five years. Furthermore, VCTs allow investors to invest in a portfolio of unquoted companies, as well as AIM quoted companies, while benefiting from the liquidity provided by the listing of the VCT’s shares. The VCTs managed by Albion have a policy of buying back their own shares in the market, subject to certain criteria and the LSE’s regulations, to ensure liquidity.

Following the Finance Act 2007, the following tax benefits are available to UK residents aged 18 or over investing after 6 April 2007:

(i) Tax-paying investors receive an income tax rebate at 30% on the amount invested, thus reducing the effective net cost of the investment to 70 pence for each £1 invested, provided the shares are held for at least five years and the investor has paid the tax;

(ii) Dividends paid by a venture capital trust are free of income tax;

(iii) There is no tax on capital gains made upon disposal of shares in a VCT; and

(iv) Capital gains made by the venture capital trust on its underlying investments are free of corporation tax and, unlike an ordinary investment trust, these gains may be distributed by way of dividends to investors.

Income tax relief for investors is limited to subscriptions of up to £200,000 per person per tax year. For more information contact your financial adviser.

Learn more about the benefits of VCT investing on the HMRC website

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mattis congue arcu, id dignissim enim blandit eu. Donec dapibus vel ante sit amet malesuada. Etiam posuere tempor tortor, at eleifend turpis. Sed ut turpis sit amet ligula tempor lobortis.

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