Risk Warning
The information on these pages relating to venture capital trusts (“VCTs”) managed by Albion Capital Group LLP (Albion Capital) is directed at United Kingdom residents only.
No reliance is to be placed on the information contained on this website in making an application to subscribe for shares in VCTs managed by Albion Capital.
Any such application may only be made on the basis of the relevant prospectus and/or offer document, which can be downloaded from this website or obtained from: Albion Capital Group LLP, 1 Benjamin Street, London EC1M 5QL (0207 601 1850). Prospective investors should ensure that they read the risk warnings set out in the prospectus and/or offer document. We also advise you to read the Key Information Documents. Albion Capital does not provide financial advice and nothing on these web pages should be construed as investment or tax advice. An investment in a VCT should be considered a long-term investment and the tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to change in the future.
Under current legislation shares must be held for a minimum of five years for maximum tax benefits and may be affected by future legislation.
The past performance of Albion Capital Group LLP as a fund manager is no guide to the future performance of its VCTs.
If certain criteria are not met, for example if the investment is not held for five years or if the VCT does not invest 80% of its funds in qualifying investments, the tax breaks will be withdrawn and you may be required to repay any tax relief which you have received upfront. No VCT can guarantee that its investors will qualify for tax relief. You should not invest in a VCT simply for the tax benefits. The market price of VCT shares may not reflect the full underlying net asset value ("NAV") of shares and shareholders may have difficulty in selling their shares and any sale is likely to be at a discount to the NAV. Potential investors in VCTs managed by Albion Capital should consult their financial advisers.
The value of shares in a VCT and the income from them may fluctuate and investors may not get back the amount they invested. The market price of VCT shares is unlikely to fully reflect their underlying net asset value. It is possible that there may not be a liquid market in the shares of VCTs and shareholders may have difficulty in selling their shares. Any sale is likely to be at a discount to net asset value.
VCTs invest in a portfolio of small companies, which by their nature carry greater risk than larger, quoted companies.
The tax reliefs available to investors in a VCT are dependent on it maintaining HM Revenue & Customs approval. A failure to meet the qualifying requirements could result in adverse tax consequences to investors, including a requirement to repay the income tax relief obtained. Investors must retain their VCT shares for the minimum period required to retain their initial tax relief. The tax rules and regulations governing VCTs are subject to change.
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