UCL Tech Funds

UCL Tech Funds raised £20 million in April 2007 and £10 million under the Further Offer in April 2008.

The Company aims to provide investors with a regular and predictable source of income, combined with the prospect of longer term capital growth. Investments will range from lower risk, income producing businesses to higher risk technology companies.

Fund Highlights

Dividends paid and recently
declared since launch:


NAV* at 30 June 2023:

Ordinary shares


Total Return:

Ordinary shares


*The London Stock Exchange code for the VCT is AAEV

Fund Reports

Other Regulatory Disclosures

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Portfolio of Investments

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Dividend Reinvestment Scheme

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Dividend History

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Corporate Governance

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Financial Summary for Previous Funds

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Trust Information

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Share Price

AGM Details


Additional Information

Dividend Reinvestment Scheme

Shareholders who want to receive dividend as cash and decide not to amend their income option via Investor Centre (the online portal) must complete a payment of interest form and send directly to Computershare at this address.

If the shareholder is in the dividend reinvestment scheme, Computershare will also require a written confirmation from the shareholder to be fully removed from the scheme.


Computershare Investor Services PLC can be contacted at their Investor Centre on +44 (0)370 873 5860 (Calls are charged at no more than your current providers national call rate and calls may be recorded. Lines are open Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:30pm). Alternatively you can visit their website by clicking the “registrar” link.

Get in touch.