UCL Tech Funds
UCL Tech Funds raised £20 million in April 2007 and £10 million under the Further Offer in April 2008.
The Company aims to provide investors with a regular and predictable source of income, combined with the prospect of longer term capital growth. Investments will range from lower risk, income producing businesses to higher risk technology companies.
Fund Highlights
Dividends paid and recently
declared since launch:
NAV* at 30 June 2023:
Ordinary shares
Total Return:
Ordinary shares
*The London Stock Exchange code for the VCT is AAEV
Fund Reports
Financial Reports and Circulars
Trust Information
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Share Price
Share Price
Generalist VCTs
Generalist VCTs are the most common, they invest into a broad range of companies in different sectors and at various stages of development.
AIM VCTs invest into companies listed on the Alternative Market (AIM) or into companies which are about to list on AIM.
Specialist VCTs
Specialist VCTs invest into companies within one specific sector.
Limited Life VCTs
Limited Life VCTs invest capital with the intention of winding up and distributing assets to shareholders within five to seven years. However this a guideline and is not guaranteed.

AGM Details
AGM Details
What are VCTs designed to do?
VCT’s are investment companies listed on the London Stock Exchange which invest capital into young and innovative UK businesses. The government want to encourage investment into smaller growing businesses so in turn they offer VCT investors generous tax relief.
What can I expect from a VCT investment?
Investors can expect tax free income in the form of dividends, tax free growth and income tax relief of 30% issued in the form of a tax rebate or adjusted tax code.
How do I invest?
You can invest by applying for shares when a VCT is open for new investment. Investors are advised to read the new share offer prospectus and by completing an online application form. Albion accept applications from direct investors, through a financial advisor or through an online broker.

Long-Term Hold
You must be able to hold the investment long term - any income tax relief claimed is repayable if the shares are sold within 5 years
If you do not pay enough UK tax you cannot claim the full benefit of available tax reliefs
You may not be able to sell your investment immediately as the market for VCT shares is limited
Risk Tolerance
You may lose some or all of the capital you invest
VCTs do not provide guaranteed income
You may not be able to sell your shares at a price which reflects net asset value
Share buyback schemes buy back at a discount to net asset value and are not guaranteed
VCTs are not authorised financial services firms and investments in them are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
You are not a regulatory customer of Albion Capital
Additional Information
Dividend Reinvestment Scheme
Shareholders who want to receive dividend as cash and decide not to amend their income option via Investor Centre (the online portal) must complete a payment of interest form and send directly to Computershare at this address.
If the shareholder is in the dividend reinvestment scheme, Computershare will also require a written confirmation from the shareholder to be fully removed from the scheme.
Computershare Investor Services PLC can be contacted at their Investor Centre on +44 (0)370 873 5860 (Calls are charged at no more than your current providers national call rate and calls may be recorded. Lines are open Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:30pm). Alternatively you can visit their website by clicking the “registrar” link.