Investing in Women Code Annual Report 2023/24
Driving Diversity in Venture Capital: Albion and the Impact of the Radia Accelerator on Women Entrepreneurs
The latest Investing in Women Code Annual Report is out and reveals that significant strides have been made towards bridging the funding gap for women-led businesses. Key Highlights from the report:
Investing in Women Code signatories now represent over £1 trillion in assets and consistently outperform the market in supporting female founders.
Diverse investment committees and warm introductions are proven to significantly enhance outcomes for women entrepreneurs.
As a signatory of the Code, we are proud to be part of a movement shaping the future of female entrepreneurship and the report helped highlight our role to date:
26% of Albion portfolio companies have female founders or CEOs.
Co-created the Radia Accelerator, which supported 25 women at the ideation stage, leading to 9 new companies.
While progress has been made, the gender investment gap remains a challenge. We are therefore committed to driving change, supporting innovation, and creating opportunities for women to thrive.
Download HERE the report.